Friday, July 5, 2013

Gluten Free Ouefs en Cocotte avec Chorizo et Mascarpone

Ouefs en Cocotte avec Chorizo & Mascarpone

Ouefs en Cocotte avec Chorizo et Mascarpone is fancy French for: Eggs in Pots with Chorizo and Mascarpone. Or more colloquially still: Baked Eggs with Sausage and Cheese. No matter what you call this dish, the verdict is the same. It's pretty freaking delicious. 

I first heard about this dish in Paris. When I was about 6 months pregnant, my husband and I went on a roadtrip from Manchester, around Normandy and Brittany, to Paris. It was nice enough, but a bit annoying since I couldn't eat soft cheese, runny eggs, most seafood or drink wine. Probably not the best time to go France! The entire time I was there, I kept seeing this dish on the menus ouefs en cocotte, ouefs en cocotte and I desperately wanted to try it! Instead, I engorged on McCafe for the whole two weeks we were away, eating cheeseburgers and macarons.

A few weeks ago, we went a little bulk buying crazy and got a bumper of chorizo from Costco and needed a way to use it before it spoiled. For inspiration, I turned to Rachel Khoo's Little Paris Kitchen cookbook and almost immediately spotted her recipe for ouefs en cocotte. Without a bun in the oven, I shouted, "Hells yeah!" and went to preheat the oven. (Yes, I really shouted that.) Take note, my recipe differs greatly from Rachel's. She has a more classic version of this dish in her book.

A bit messy but tasty uncooked ouefs en cocotte


For the ouefs en cocotte
 scant 1/8 tsp paprika
1 chorizo cooking sausage, diced
1 tbsp olive oil
100g mascarpone
2 eggs
small bunch of fresh thyme, chopped
pinch sea salt
dash black pepper

Fresh thyme from my kitchen windowsill for ouefs en cocotte

Two rammekins of ouefs en cocotte avec chorizo et mascarpone in a bain marie


  1. Preheat the oven to 200c/400f
  2. Cook chorizo in oil with a bit of pepper 1 to 2 minutes or until golden
  3. Season mascarpone with salt,  some pepper and paprika
  4. Divide 1/4 of the mascarpone between two rammekins
  5. Sprinkle a bit of fresh thyme over the mascarpone
  6. Crack one egg into each rammekin over the thyme and mascarpone
  7. Pat the chorizo dry with a pepper towel and sprinkle it over the egg white, avoiding the yolk
  8. Spoon in a bit more mascarpone
  9. Sprinkle some more thyme and a final dash of black pepper
  10. Make a bain marie by placing the rammekins in a casserole dish or baking tin. Fill the dish or tin with lukewarm water, enough so that it comes halfway up the sides of the rammekins.
  11. Bake 10 to 15 minutes or until done to your preference
  12. Serve with fresh fruit salad

Cooked ouefs en cocotte avec chorizo et mascarpone with fresh fruit salad

Love the look of this? Try these other recipes from The Little Paris Kitchen



  1. Wow,this looks SO good! I have not ever had chorizo before (that I know of) so I am very curious to try it now that I have seen this. Your pictures are amazing as well. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks, Kristin. TRY the chorizo, you will LOVE it! It's a Spanish sausage with paprika; so flavorful!

  2. Hi I bet that tastes really good. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
    Julie from

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  3. Yumm! These are perfect for a Brunch! I will be Tweeting this later in the day!!

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  4. Bummer about not being able to eat so many great French food... this dish sounds amazing.I'm pinning it and the cook book is interesting too. You should join French Fridays with Dorie. You can check out what we make on my blog.Thanks for joining us on foodie friday,

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  5. This looks so delicious! Thanks for sharing at Simple Supper Tuesday.

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  6. We love chorizo, this looks great!

    1. Oh yes, Terry! Chorizo's big in this family too! :)

  7. Just wanted you to know that your recipe is being featured on foodie friday today. I will be pinning and tweeting it too this week. Stop by and get your featured button. Thanks again for joining us.

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What do you think of this recipe? Be sure to tag me in any recipes you make on social media and use #anyonitanibbles!