Friday, April 26, 2013

20 Must Have Kitchen Gadgets of Spring 2013

20 must have kitchen gadgets of spring 2013 roundup
Please  vote for me!
It's spring! And that means time for cherry trees blossoms, sipping wine barefoot outside as the sun sets, longer days, gentle breezes and spring cleaning. In my house, spring cleaning is always a good excuse for updating worn and out-of-date kitchen gadgets.

So here's a list of my ultimate favorite kitchen gadgets for Spring 2013. There are some real treasures on this list! A huge thank you to all the PR contacts and companies who got in touch and helped make this list possible! Before we get to the list, could I trouble you to click that beautiful badge to the left and vote for me to win a BiB award, please? I'd much appreciate it!

In no particular order, 20 Must Have Kitchen Gadgets of Spring 2013:

And a bonus piece:

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  1. Shouldn't have looked at this! Love kitchen gadgets but really don't have room for any more! :)

  2. I know what you mean! :) Hahaha & I sell Pampered Chef so you know my cabinets are full!

  3. Hi, hope you are perfectly good and fine. Love all the kitchen gadget that you shared here. Love your blog. Really useful for every one. And you share really amazing kitchen gadgets.

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