Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Link Party: Tasty Tuesdays #2 plus Features

Welcome to Tasty Tuesdays!
I'm excited that you're interested in sharing your delish dishes with the blogging community through my link party. While last week's party was a little on the small side, I'm hoping this week's party is going to be a little bigger! Either way, I'm sure we'll have fun peeking around new blogs and taking a look at new recipes. 
As always, I'd love it if you helped to spread the word about this party by inviting your blogging buddies to participate. Don't forget to grab a participator's button to display on your blog where you see fit. Also, if you've been featured, swipe a snazzy button from here for your blog/newsletter.

Featured from last week's party
Here are the top three clicked and on or commented posts from last week's party! Well done to you guys for uploading enticing recipes to tempt us all with.

With the most clicks and likes of the party, our Star Partier this week is:
Lucy at Super Golden Bakes and her Hazelnut Praline Cupcake--well done Lucy! Doesn't that beautiful cupcake just make your mouth water? Nom.

With equal numbers of clicks and likes, we round up the party with both:
Shauna at Ready2loseweight's fab fish dish and
Annie at Annie's Noms genius brownie stuffed into a chocolate chip cookie!

A few rules of the party

  1. Follow Anyonita Nibbles via Facebook, Google Friend Connect, Twitter or by subscribing to my RSS Feed and let me know so I can do the same in return!
  2. Visit at least two of the links in the party. Leave a comment stating that you stopped by. (We all love to read comments, so share the love!)
  3. Spread the word; grab a participator's button and display it on your blog.
  4. Link to your recipes--no giveways or promos, please.
  5. As a participant, you acknowledge that photos from the post you link may be distributed as a part of the Tasty Tuesdays Feature and/or across my social media platforms. If this is the case, all photos will be credited back to your sites and posts and credit will be given.

All right, here we go, party people!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the feature on my Spicy Tomato & Mushroom Tilapia :)

    So glad I could come over again this week and link up with you! One thing I noticed is that your "link moderation" is on. I was hoping to check out some other links while I was here but I couldn't see anyone else yet :(

    I also sent you an email about the Guest Posting when you get a chance to read it.

    Thanks again for the party, Shauna

    The Best Blog Recipes
    Ready 2 Lose Weight


What do you think of this recipe? Be sure to tag me in any recipes you make on social media and use #anyonitanibbles!