Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Link Party: Tasty Tuesdays #1

Welcome to Tasty Tuesdays!

I'm excited that you're interested in sharing your delish dishes with the blogging community through my link party. I'd love it if you helped to spread the word about this party by inviting your blogging buddies to participate. Don't forget to grab a participator's button to display on your blog.

A few rules of the party
  1. Follow Anyonita Nibbles via Facebook, Google Friend Connect, Twitter or by subscribing to my RSS Feed.
  2. Visit at least two of the links in the party. Leave a comment stating that you stopped by. (We all love to read comments, so share the love!)
  3. Spread the word; grab a participator's button and display it on your blog.
  4. Link to your recipes--no giveways or promos, please.
  5. As a participant, you acknowledge that photos from the post you link may be distributed as a part of the Tasty Tuesdays Feature and/or across my social media platforms. If this is the case, all photos will be credited back to your sites and posts and credit will be given.

All right, here we go, party people!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you added your button to my Link Parties Page so I knew that I should come over and link up with you :)

    I've linked up a tutorial & recipe from my regular blog The Best Blog Recipes

    I've also linked up 2 recipes from my Weight Loss Blog Ready 2 Lose Weight

    Hope you have a great rest of your week :) And I'm also following you on FB & GFC now too!


What do you think of this recipe? Be sure to tag me in any recipes you make on social media and use #anyonitanibbles!