Wednesday, February 5, 2014

5 Quick SEO Tips for Busy Bloggers

5 quickseo tips for busy bloggers from

Are you ready to improve your SEO in 2014?

I'm guest posting as part of Plucky's Blogging Tips and Tricks Series Part 2 and I'm sharing 5 quick and easy tips for busy bloggers for boosting your SEO!

Go check them out! And if you find the tips helpful and want to know how to apply them to your blog, leave a comment! When I get 50 comments, I'll release the information :)


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for having me! I'm still making my way (slowly) through all the posts but it's very informative! Great idea, Jessica!

  2. You had the most viewed post this week! You will be a Fabulous Feature :)

  3. Great tips, I just started blogging and know absolutely nothing about SEO. Just pinned for future reference as well! Mel

    1. Thanks for the pin, Mel! :) I hope you find it helpful!

  4. Thanks for sharing on The Four Seasons Blog Hop~ Can't wait to read more~ Lynn @ Turnips 2 Tangerines

  5. Thanks for sharing; these will be a big help! (Found this through Do Tell Tuesday.)

  6. Thanks for the great tips!! I've read these elsewhere on other occasions, but you did a great job of putting the important items together and reminding me of what I need to do. :) And by the way....your chicken dish looks delicious. ;)

    Thanks for linking up at Project Inspire{d}
    Hope your week is off to an Extraordinary start!

    1. Thank you, Diane! :) I'm glad you found them useful & thanks for the compliment about my chicken dish!

  7. I really enjoy reading all of your tips for blogging. Thanks for sharing on The Four Seasons Blog Hop! Sandra from Scrumptilicious 4 You!


What do you think of this recipe? Be sure to tag me in any recipes you make on social media and use #anyonitanibbles!